Common Seasonal Bugs and Advice on Measles

We often see lots of bugs and viruses circulating at this time of year and it can be hard to know what the right thing is to do if your child falls ill.

With that in mind, the NHS in Gloucestershire has developed this summary for parents and carers of children to help them know when health advice might be needed and what action to take.

Below is some advice about the signs and symptoms to look out for, when you should be fine to keep your child at home with a bit of self-care (which could include some advice from the community pharmacy) and when it’s time to ask for advice or help from another NHS service.

Are you/your child protected from Measles?

How to check your family’s vaccination status

With an increase in cases of measles in some parts of the country, it’s important to ensure you and your children are protected with both doses of the MMR vaccine.

When children should have the MMR vaccine

The MMR vaccine is given to babies and young children as part of the NHS vaccination schedule.

Child’s age Vaccine
1 year MMR (1st dose)
3 years and 4 months MMR (2nd dose)

If you or your child missed one or both doses, it isn’t too late to catch up, even in adulthood.

For more information, please click on the links below: